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Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


The order in which you follow the advice in Chapters 1
through 4 depends on the adjustability of your work
❒ If your work surface height adjusts, then systematically
adjust yourself and your computer “from the ground
❒ If you have a fixed desk or table, systematically adjust
yourself and your computer “from the top down.”
From the Ground Up
1. Seat height: you should be able to plant your feet
firmly on the floor.
2. Chair back angles and lower back support: your back
should be well supported.
3. Keyboard height: home row should be near your elbow
4. Keyboard slope: wrists should be in a comfortable,
neutral position.
5. Pointing device: should be placed to the immediate left
or right of your keyboard.
6. Optional forearm support: shoulders should be relaxed
and forearms evenly supported.
7. Monitor distance, height, and angle: should allow your
head to be balanced comfortably over your shoulders.
8. Document holder, phone, and reference materials:
frequently used items should be within easy reach.
From the Top Down
1. Seat height: elbow height should be near your
keyboard’s home row.
2. Footrest, if you need one.
3. Follow steps 2 through 8, above.

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